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In the state.
The question on an equality place in deep ideology of Soviet Union illustrates
The difficulties arising at attempt to understand the deep purposes of those to whom belongs
The political power in a society. We amazingly a little know about
The valid distribution of incomes in Soviet Union. Abram Bergson recently
As a result of the careful analysis has come to a conclusion that an inequality of incomes in
Soviet Union approximately corresponds to that we observe in one
The capitalist countries and it is less, than in some other - that is approximately
Same, as in the capitalist world. As Bergson writes:
Difficulties which the international comparisons face are almost legendary
Inequalities in distribution of incomes between various groups of consumers.
Attempt of such comparison between the USSR and the western countries confirms it.
Sweden is one of the western countries, for which inequality indicators
Income distributions on Lorentz are approximately equal, and can be and less, than in
The USSR. The inequality in the USSR cannot be much more smaller, than in Norway or in
Great Britain, but, it is final, less, than in the USA or in France. According to
To rather incomplete data, the inequality in the USSR sometimes is essential less, than in
The countries which are at a similar stage of development though it can be and not so in
Case with Japan. West (Amsterdam: North Holland
Publishing Co., "Income Inequality under Soviet Socialism", 1974, Distribution of Income: East, Journal of Economic Literature 22 (September 1984): p. 1092. See also Peter
Wiles and Bergson
The matter is that to estimate efficiency of the Soviet society on the comparative
To success in increase the blessing of standing of workers or consumers can be so
Intelligent employment how to estimate efficiency of a feudal society on
To the statistics characterising a financial position of serfs. In everyone
Economic formation possibility to put the purpose is distributed among the small
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