Boss Icon
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Tags: funny pictures and icons, animated video icons, taskbar tray icon, icon tv, n64 icon
A year later the board of directors of its former boss has demanded, that the post of the vice-president on advertising has been restored, and other two tasks also have come to an end. Now at ?.X.?. There was no income of consulting. He has addressed for council in League of advisers, having declared that «is thrown out on street"and"should begin with zero». To it have specified in the big error: after all all this time he was not engaged in marketing. Without having believed, he has asked: «As I could take more clients when worked for 60–80 hours per week, being engaged in available three tasks? Then to it have explained, having addressed to a similar example:
Let's assume, you with a family move in other city and get new job. Time of annual gynecologic inspection of your wife approaches. She is interested at the neigbour about the best local gynecologist. The neigbour specifies doctor Wilson – managing gynecology in Memorial hospital. You recheck the given information at the family doctor. He also very much recommends doctor Wilson. Your wife calls to it in office and talks to its assistant. She asks to fix time visit. The assistant asks at once, whether extreme it is necessity. «Is not present, – your wife responds, is an annual inspection». The assistant studies the schedule of the doctor and says that that can accept it not earlier than November, 15th (now August). What does your wife do? ?.X.?. Responds that she, possibly, will wait for doctor Wilson, rather than will make an an appointment with someone who is worse than it. From what ?.X.?. Has decided, what doctor Wilson is better? «Because it is very occupied», – responds ?.X.?.
Thus, you see that upon the client makes impression the filled calendar of the professional. If you continue to be engaged in marketing, despite enough of clients, and still to go on fact-finding meetings, here everything that it is necessary to tell to the potential client: «I with pleasure would be engaged in your project and I can be useful, however my calendar is filled to... (Date)». On the client it will make the same impression, as upon Mrs. ?.X.?., and he will wait for you too. But thus it is not necessary to lie. If you it, the client learns about it. But if use lie, the client, most likely, also about it learns.
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