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Safeties a varnish, having left before Davidov's arrival.
Davidov has passed by (the extended tail and convulsively it
Paws, has fallen yes knees over an ugly enormous head with long,
Kostajanye rings for protection of the eyes, saved in empty orbits
Skulls, gave to a monster expression for ever to the fallen asleep ferocity.
The professor has soon found an oval aperture below the left eye,
Familiar on bones from Sikana, Whether found Tao. It penetrated a skull
Through; the exhaust outlet settled down on a cinciput, behind the right
The orbit still shipped in breed.
Yes, undoubtedly, "they" were here again! The decision to search in limits
The union was correct. But what else traces of newcomers can be
Are found out, and whether there were these traces?
Davidov has examined edge of a congestion of the skeletons, found out in a wall
Foundation ditch. On those bones which have been already opened, there were no signs
Wounds. Crises about which told Old residents, have appeared
The posthumous. Bones have been broken already after a burial place in sand,
Owing to deposits and consolidations of breeds as it happens often.
Davidov has disposed to remove breed - over a congestion of bones and
Gradually to clear away bones from above, at once on all area - congestions.
- It would be necessary to grasp more widely, that it all around, - with
Doubt in a voice the professor has said, - but we will not have not enough means,
To dig out such enormous platform. Here it is necessary thousand five
Shooting cubic metre.
- In vain worry, the chief! - has widely grinned
Old residents. - workers here so have become interested in finds of the horned
"Crocodiles" as they call them that have suggested me to help
"it corresponding" this place. And one foreman has told on
My report. The day after tomorrow Sunday, and on excavation there are nine hundred
The person.
- Nine hundred?! Malicious force! - Davidov has exclaimed.
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