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Tags: naruto lj icons, cute moving icon, web icon maker, school icons, icon transparent background

- Both from ocean, and from a land? - Tessa Vendel which were not hiding the mistrust has asked again. - then you in something were mistaken.

- But I cannot find any error. It also upsets me. I understand nothing, - Merri has told and, a few having kept silent, has added: - it is final, a signal very weak, but it is.

- It seems, I can offer an explanation, - Krajl has told.

All have turned to Fisher, and it first of all has taken of a defensive item.

- Certainly, I not the scientist, - have begun it, - but it does not mean that I cannot understand nude facts. Reasonable beings live in the sea, but we them do not see, because we are disturbed by water. Quite logical assumption. But the reasonable life is and on a land. Means, it too is hidden, hidden under a ground.

- Under a ground? - With indignation has asked again Dzharlou. - What for to live organisms to climb in depths of a planet? On a surface all is suitable for a life: both air, and temperature, and all other parametres what we could define. From what here to hide?

- First of all from light, - Fisher persistently continued. - I mean it. We will assume, they colonized a planet. Why they should live under red light of the Near star in which beams terrestrial plants do not grow also which results them in a condition of deep depression? They could arrange artificial illumination in depths of a planet; there it is better also it, and to plants. Besides...

- Continue. So that still?

- You see it is necessary to know it. They live in the settlement. They have got used to it and consider such position normal. To be settled on an external surface of a planet for them it is unnatural. Probably, they have considered self-evident that they should leave in depth of a planet.

- Means, you consider, what neural detector Blankovits finds out human beings under a planet surface? - Has specified Vendel.

- Yes. And why also is not present? By the way, then the layer of earth between their caves and a planet surface should weaken a signal of the neural detector.

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