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Alternative system where it would be possible to save certain lines of system

Existing, expensive even for those who is the most furious on it attack, - and, in

The particulars, that degree of freedom, with what the individual can select to itself employment and,

Accordingly, to use own knowledge and skill.

It is in many respects successful that disputes on necessity of system of the prices for everyone

Rational account in difficult modern company are conducted any more only

Between the camps adhering to different political convictions. The thesis that

Without system of the prices we could not save the company based on such wide

Division of labour as ours, has been met by hailstones of sneers, when a background of Mizes

Has put forward it for the first time twenty five years ago. Today that to someone still

It is difficult to accept it, does not speak any more purely political reasons, and in

Result atmosphere becomes much more favorable for reasonable

Discussions. When the Lion Trotsky proves that Uekonomichesky account is inconceivable

Without market it; when professor Oscar Lang promises to the professor a background

- a statue in a marble hall of the future Central Planned management; When professor Abba L. Lerner anew opens Adam Smith and underlines,

What is the dignity of system of the prices consists in stimulation of the individual to that,

That, pursuing own interest, it did that answers interest

To the general, divergences really cannot be written off more on the political

Biases. Remaining disagreements are obviously caused purely intellectual And, more particularly, methodological divergences.

Which I mean. It posesses an outstanding place among economists, Considering economic events from items of one of directions

Positivism. Accordingly, these phenomena are represented to it objectively given

Quantities of the goods directly facing with one another, almost without everyone

Interferences, probably, human minds. Only the similar precondition

I can explain the following (amazing me) the application. Professor Shumpeter

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Download Artistic Toolbar Icons

Space Icons Develop scientific or space-oriented projects with readily available images. Space Icons pack contain more than 60 icons focusing on astronomy, including Sun, Astronaut, all planets of the solar system and Spacesuit.

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