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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: windows vista desktop icon size, bury your dead buddy icons, def jam icon, show desktop icon toolbar, icon group

Distinctive feature - the first person who has died on Io.

The invisible Sun still shone because of Jupiter.

- Will soon darken, Lakki has told. - It is time to come back.

it, having frowned, has measured by short short steps a cabin: three there - three

Back, three there - three back.

- Do not forget about an explosive, Bigmen! Also allow me To decide, when and what to do!

On tone by what it has been told, Bigmen has understood that the theme is reached. It

Has started conversation on other.

- I will not understand something, what for to us to potter with that type, which...

Well... Misses outside. It after all is dead. And it can be useful nothing.

- Except one.

At a door the alarm bulb has flashed.

- Open, Bigmen. It, should be, Norrich.

it stood in the doorway, stupidly, but very fast blinking.

- I already heard about Summers, Mr. Starr. It is awful... It is awful, That it has appeared the traitor. And still it is a pity to me it.

- Yes, I know. Therefore also asked you to come. Now on Io it is dark, but

When the eclipse will come to an end, whether you are lowered with us to bury


- Certainly! After all any person deserves to be

The buried... - Ruka Norricha has fallen on a muzzle of Matta, and the dog has nestled to

To the owner as if feeling necessity to console it.

- I did not doubt that you want to go. Eventually, you after all Were its friend and certainly wish to pay the last honours.

- Yes, it so. - Glaza Norricha were humidified.

Before putting on a helmet, Lakki has addressed to Donahju:

- Last exit. As soon as we will return, the ship there and then starts.

- Well, - Donahju has answered and has knowingly nodded.

it in the meantime fast and dexterously dressed Matta whom, anticipating

Walk, joyfully twirled by a head.

On Io there was a first tomb. The hole which has been beaten out in rigid, tenacious

To soil, fell asleep small gravel, and instead of it have dragged the big grey

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