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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: display pics icons, custom theme icons, crystal icon pack, icons of the 1970s, i love icons

Duration of the program

Sufficient time for detailed studying of a material should be the most important in definition of duration of a seminar/courses. There are subjects, for studying of which all complexities 2–3 days are required, for others this time is superfluous.

It is necessary to consider also loading on the teacher. If the program one-day, one teacher can consult from it. If it has the big duration, it is necessary will or invite more teachers, or to make active trained on purpose to facilitate loading on the teacher.

Seminar cost too is very important. The public program lasting many days will manage to the participant much more expensively an one-day seminar. Residing, a food, transport in addition and considerably will increase expenses. All it can lead to that the invention will seem to potential participants too expensive both on money, and on time. The programs made for people of intellectual work and heads of business, should be compact. For them the factor of loss of time is much more important than the size of payment.

The more for a long time the program, the the organizer should show more hospitality. When it lasts more than one day, it is necessary to provide to participants suitable drinks and light meals, to be convinced that nearby there is a capacious hotel, restaurant, entertainments, near at hand transport. It considerably complicates the program organisation (and also increases its cost).

If your client – corporation or other organisation, ready to release people from job and to pay all expenses carrying out of a two-three-day seminar becomes expedient and profitable. The long program gives to people of more time for mastering of the new information, preventing their weariness after a seminar.

Other factor of definition of duration of the program is cost of rent of an audience for employment. The majority of seminars is spent in conference halls of the hotels, trying to hand over these halls on some times in day for profit increase. If your employment proceed all the day long, the hotel will give you a bill for three-four such lost possibilities. And still, the high payment which people will be ready to bring for a seminar lasting all the day, instead of at some o'clock, will defray rent expenses. In view of orientation of hotel to profit, and also perception of value of a seminar depending on its duration, it is possible to reduce a rent, having increased thus profit. If you begin employment in 10 mornings and finish in 5 evenings the hotel will have a possibility to hand over a hall to someone to another for an early breakfast and for all evening. The rent in this case will be less, than if you have reserved a hall with 8 to 6, but the seminar will be perceived all the same by participants as the program of the whole day, and the payment accordingly can be raised.

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Download Artistic Toolbar Icons

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