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The wide circulation which has received enough in the beginning of XX century a current in the worker
Movement. Being an anarchism version, syndicalism denies the political
Struggle also expects for private property transition in hands of syndicates
(Trade unions) by economic strikes, sabotage, etc. Technocrats -
Ideologists of gradual transition of the power to engineers and the scientists called
To organise management of company on the rational bases.] she repeats
Old errors of Godvina, Karlejlja, Reskina, Bismarck, Sorelja, Veblena and many
Less known people. [Godvin William (1756 - 1836) - the English writer,
The put forward project of creation of company of independent workers, in which
Distribution on requirements is carried out. Karlejl Thomas (1795 - 1881) -
The English historian and the philosopher criticising the modern capitalist
Company and opposing to it the Middle Ages. Reskin John (1819 - 1900) -
The English theorist of art and the writer. Opposing the capitalist
Productions, idealised the medieval craft organisation of work.
The opponent of a socialism, it at the same time was the initiator social
Legislations. Sorel George (1847 - 1922) - the French sociologist and the philosopher,
The assertion consists that poverty - result imperfect
Public institutes. A fall of man, deprived mankind of the happy
Lives in gardens of Edema, is an establishment of a private property. Capitalism on
Advantage only to egoistical interests of impudent exploiters. It dooms weights
Just people on the increasing impoverishment and decline. To make people
Happy, it is necessary to bridle only greedy exploiters by means of the all-powerful
God, a name to which - the States. On change of stimulus "profit" should come
Stimulus "service". Fortunately, the similar theorists, any intrigues consider and
No reprisals from outside can stop defenders of old regimes
Reform. Coming of an epoch of centralised planning is inevitable. Then
There will be a general abundance. Supporters of acceleration of this great process
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