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Tags: black square icon, sephiroth icons, where are icons stored, icon maker plug, harry potter desktop icons

The majority of the population. [Cromwell Oliver (1599 - 1658) - the figure English

Bourgeois revolution, the commander of armed forces of republicans. In 1653

Has established a mode of personal military dictatorship. Robesper Maksimilian

(1758 - 1794) - the figure of Great French revolution, the chief of Jacobeans.

Since 1793 formally being only the committee member of public rescue,

Actually headed the government, having concentrated in the hands the dictatorial

The power. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) in 1799 has made the state

Revolution in which result as the consul has received all completeness of the power. In 1804

It is proclaimed by the emperor.] Romanov's dynasty has been doomed because of

Unlucky Nikolay II weak will. The socialist legalist Kerensky

Has lost because of adherence to parliamentarism principles. [Kerensky Alexander

The government as the Minister of Justice. Since July, 1917 - the minister-chairman

Provisional government, since September - simultaneously and Supreme The commander-in-chief.] Lenin has succeeded, because never aspired to what,

Except personal dictatorship. And Russian pined on the dictator - to Ivan's successor

Grozny. Not so revolutionary revolt has interrupted Nikolay II board. It has let out Spirit on fields of battles. The come anarchy Kerensky could not master. Street excitements in St.-Petersburg dared Kerensky. After short time

Great French revolution to a calendar (on November, 9th, 1799) Napoleon Bonaparte

Has seized power in France. Since then expression "18 it" became a symbol Political revolution.] despite all Bolshevist terror, in The constituent assembly selected on the basis of general direct vote,

Bolshevik "was no more than 20 percent. [L.Mizes is a little inexact: from 715

The selected deputies was 175 (24,5 %) Bolsheviks. On meeting Constituent Meetings 410 deputies, owing to what a share of Bolsheviks were only

Has increased approximately to 30 %.] Lenin has by force of arms dispersed the Constituent assembly.

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