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Tags: use png files as icons, little sister icons bioshock, icon bizzarre, journal icons, icon 30 electric cooktop
- In that case it would be possible... At Tessy the answer in advance was ready:
- No to come back in a space starting point not so it is simple.
If our control system of flight really does not suit anywhere at each transition the ship will be absolutely unpredictable to move from one point of space in any other. We never will find a way back in such situation to the Earth. It has frowned. The joyful excitation which has captured it after rather safe - anyway not ended with accident - transition in hyperspace and again in usual space, has started to disappear gradually.
- But you sent something to test flights and successfully returned objects back.
- Tests were conducted on much less massive objects and on shorter distances. But, as I already spoke, all is not too bad. It has appeared that we have passed the set distance. About it tells also an arrangement of stars.
- But it was changed, I saw.
- You were mistaken, changed ship orientation. The big axis of "Superlajta" has turned more than on twenty eight degrees. To put it briefly, for some reasons we move not as the crow flies, and on an arch.
it has darted a glance in a window. All stars slowly and in regular intervals moved in one direction.
- Now we again turn a nose to the Near star. I have decided to make so of especially psychological reasons. For some reason you feel more confident, when you look in that direction where the ship should fly. But first of all it is necessary for us to understand, why the ship way was bent.
At this moment the window was crossed by the most appreciable, brightest star, a star-beacon. It has involuntarily blinked.
- This Sun, - Tessa in reply to with astonishment-enquiring look Krajla has told.
- Whether exists though any reasonable explanation why the way of our ship was bent? - Has asked Krajl. - If same happens with the Rotor where it can be now?
- You could add - or where we eventually will appear. I do not know. Meanwhile I do not have any explanations; I can not understand that to us has occurred, - Tessa did not hide anxiety. - if all our assumptions are fair, we should change position in space, but not a direction. Despite curvature of relativistic system space - time, we should move on a straight line, on the most usual it a straight line because we were not in system space - time, understand? We could be mistaken in programming or in our assumptions. I hope for the first. Such error is easy for correcting.
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